Credits & News

Web design: KarinMai Arlund (

 © 2017 Anette Blæsbjerg Ørom, pictures and text, with the exception of quotations (Eske K. Mathiesen and Finn Skårderud)

Photos: Thomas Busk (, with the exception of:  … de klippede får and Markens skønhed (Torben Dragsby); Close-up from the forest near Jyderup (Torben Heron); from installation in Zvartava Castle (India Flint); details from Trilogy and Metallic Day (Hans Petersen); Monte Albán, Kronborg Castle (Aslak Ransby); Portrait (Ulf Ørom)

Translation: Gaye Kynoch


The tapestry Monte Albán is in the collection of Designmuseum Danmark [Danish Museum of Art & Design] (acquired in 2009)

(2022 Group exhibition: Dansk Gobelinkunst [Danish Tapestry] was invited to exhibit at the Shanghai Museum of Arts and Crafts, 79 Fenyang Road, Shanghai, China; due to the Coronavirus situation it is impossible to tell the exact dates for the exhibition)

June 5 … the end of August 2020 Udstillingssted for Tekstil, Møntergade 6, DK-1116 Copenhagen K, an exhibition space for textile art
My embroidery White-White was exhibited, in the back, along with the current exhibitions

May 13-19 2020
I was invited to participate in The Korean Bojagi Forum Exhibition
Dongduk University Gallery, Insadong, Seoul
The exhibition was cancelled due to the growing spread of the Coronavirus worldwide

March 12 2020 Udstillingssted for Tekstil, Møntergade 6, DK-1116 Copenhagen K, an exhibition space for textile art
Book launch: Tekstilkunst i Danmark 2008-2018 [Textile Art in Denmark, 2008-2018]
Cancelled due to the Coronavirus situation in Denmark