ANETTE BLÆSBJERG ØROM (b. 1949); f.k.a. Anette Ørom, studied at the School of Painting, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (1968-74, first under Professor Egill Jacobsen, later under Professor Richard Mortensen).
She started her studies in Copenhagen following a scholarship year spent at the School of Fine Arts, University of Kansas, USA. The eminent Chair of the Art Department in Kansas, the late Nick D. Vaccaro, taught oil-painting classes, which ABØ attended, and he also allowed her the opportunity to work with drawing and weaving with a foot-powered loom. Since 1976, ABØ has made woven tapestries in her own studio.
Her interest in thread has led her to study old craft techniques, to work with embroidery and to employ a hybrid form between embroidery and weaving, in addition to the use of other techniques, some of her own invention.

2023 Dansk Gobelinkunst [Danish Tapestry], Kunstetagerne, Hobro DK
2021 Dansk Gobelinkunst [Danish Tapestry], Johannes Larsen Museet [J.L. Art Museum], Kerteminde DK
2020 Sanselig minimalisme, [Sensuous Minimalism], Svanekegaarden, an arts centre on the island of Bornholm, DK (Elisabeth Bergsøe, Elisabeth Ryde, Anette Blæsbjerg Ørom)
2020 Redaktørerne [The Editors], group exhibition along with the other co-editors (7 in all) of the four books: Tekstilkunst i Danmark 1960-87; 1988-98; 1998-2008; 2008-2018 [Textile Art in Denmark 1960-87; 1988-98; 1998-2008; 2008-18], Udstillingssted for Tekstil, an exhibition space for textile art, Copenhagen
2019 X-fiber, special exhibition, Masnedø Fort, DK
2019 Dansk Gobelinkunst [Danish Tapestry], Vendsyssel Kunstmuseum, DK
2018 Dansk Gobelinkunst [Danish Tapestry], Rundetaarn [Round Tower], Copenhagen
2016 Tapestries, HUSET, Asnæs, DK
2015 Dansk Gobelinkunst [Danish Tapestry], State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia
2014-2015 Dansk Gobelinkunst, Trapholt, Kolding, DK
2014 Et interiør [An Interior], Himmerlands Kunstmuseum [Himmerland Museum of Art], DK (Toni Larsen, Anette Blæsbjerg Ørom)
2013-2014 Dansk Gobelinkunst, Sophienholm, Kgs. Lyngby, DK
2013 Danish Crafts, Shiinoki Cultural Complex, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
2013 Glæden ved håndværket [The Joy of Arts and Crafts], Skovhuset, Værløse, DK
2012 Danish Crafts and Kazuma Nakano, Kitakamakura Kominka
Museum, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan; Galleria Omotesandou, Nagano, Japan
2012 Tapestries, HUSET, Asnæs, DK
2011 Dialogue exhibition, Kunsthandel Nina J, Copenhagen, DK (solo, in dialogue with selected works from the gallery)
2010 Glæden [Joy], Skovhuset, Værløse, DK (Regnar Jensen {posthumous}, Jens-Peter Kellermann, Kirsten Antonie Sørensen, Anne Thorseth, Anette Blæsbjerg Ørom)
2010 planeta, Møstings Hus, Frederiksberg, DK (India Flint, Anette Blæsbjerg Ørom)
2009 Dansk Gobelinkunst 2009, Pomp & Propaganda, Kronborg Castle, Elsinore, DK; Johannes Larsen Museet, Kerteminde, DK
2009 planeta, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Australia (India Flint, Anette Blæsbjerg Ørom)
2008 Klang, Portalen, Greve, DK (Grazyna Gotz, Anette Blæsbjerg Ørom)
2008 Fem Tekstilkunstnere [Five Fibre Artists], Aalborg Kunstpavillon, DK
2006 2005 Dansk Gobelinkunst 2006, Vendsyssel Kunstmuseum, DK
2005-2006 2005 Dansk Gobelinkunst 2006 Rundetaarn [Round Tower], Copenhagen
2005 Parallels, Kunsthandel Nina J, Copenhagen, DK
2004 Textilforum, Herning, DK (solo)
2003 At lytte til lærken [Listening to the Skylark], Designmuseum Danmark [Danish Museum of Art & Design], DK (solo)
2002-2003 The Iceland Connections, touring exhibition, Iceland
2002 Dansk Gobelinkunst 2002, Aarhus Kunstbygning, DK
2001 Group exhibition, Fuglsanghus, Hørsholm, DK (Elisabeth Bergsøe, Jytte Rex, Anette Ørom)
2000 Danish Textile Art 1999-2000, Kunstnernes Hus, Aarhus, DK
1999 Danish Textile Art 1999-2000, Filosofgangen, Odense, DK
1999 Dansk Gobelinkunst 1998, National Museum of Scotland, UK
1998-1999 Dansk Gobelinkunst 1998, Designmuseum Danmark, Copenhagen, DK; KØS – Museum of Art in Public Spaces, Køge, DK
1997 X-Fiber, Odder Museum, DK
1996 UNIKA, Designmuseum Danmark, Copenhagen, DK
1995 The Museum of Decorative Art, Riga, Latvia
1995 Tekstil Set, Herning Kunstmuseum, DK
1995 Signum, Marienlyst Castle, DK
1992-1993 Enhjørningen [The Unicorn], Rundetaarn, Copenhagen, DK
1992 The Museum of Decorative Art, Tallinn, Estonia
1989 The Danish Arts Foundation Jubilee Exhibition at B&W, Copenhagen, DK
1989-1986 Frederikshavns Kunstmuseum, DK
1988 Nordic House, Reykjavik, Iceland
1987 Nordic House, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
1987 Nikolaj Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen, DK
1987 Galleri Basilisk, Copenhagen, DK
1986 Viborg Stiftsmuseum, DK
1985 Der hvor skvalderkålen blomstrer [Where the Ground Elder Blooms], Galleri Sct. Agnes (Husarstalden), Roskilde, DK
1978 Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling, Copenhagen, DK
1978-1979 Kunstnernes Påskeudstilling, Copenhagen, DK
1978-1981 Charlottenborgs Forårsudstilling, Copenhagen, DK
The Danish Arts Foundation (work-period funding, project grant, travel grant)
Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation
Nationalbankens Jubilæumsfond
Velux Fonden
Toyota-Fonden (in connection with Glæden ved håndværket)
Anne Marie Telmanyi født Carl-Nielsens Fond
Højesteretssagfører C.L. Davids Legat for Slægt og Venner
Anna E. Munch’s Legat
Irgens-Berghs Kunstnerlegat
The Danish Ministry of Culture
The Nordic Cultural Fund
The Democracy Foundation
Kong Frederik og Dronning Ingrids Fond
Yngre Kunstneres Udstillingsvirksomhed
Autorkontoen, Dansk Forfatterforening
Work commissioned by Den Hielmstierne-Rosencroneske Stiftelse
Working scholarship at Statens Værksteder for Kunst [Danish Art Workshops] (1998/2000)
Designmuseum Danmark, Copenhagen, DK
KØS – Museum of Art in Public Spaces, Køge, DK
The Danish Arts Foundation, Copenhagen, DK
School of Education, University of Aarhus, DK
The Quay Hall, Eigtveds Pakhus, Copenhagen, DK
The Danish Forest and Nature Agency, Copenhagen, DK
The Lecture Hall at the Copenhagen Zoo, DK
Zvartava Castle, Latvia
Municipality of Aarhus, DK
Municipality of Gladsaxe, DK
Kildegården, Care Centre in the Municipality of Gladsaxe, DK
Glunz & Jensen International A/S, office domicile in Ringsted, DK
Kunstforeningen af 14. August, Frederiksberg, DK
2016 Eske K. Mathiesen and Anette Blæsbjerg Ørom: Pastorale, art-poetry publication
2010 Contributor to Tekstile udtryk – en introduktion (ed. Lisbeth Tolstrup), FiberFeber
2009 Featured in Textile Fibre Forum, No. 93, Australian magazine
2008 Eske K. Mathiesen and Anette Blæsbjerg Ørom: Souvenir, art-poetry publication
2004, 2003, 2002 Appeared in Dansk Kunst 2002, -03, -04
2003 Eske K. Mathiesen and Anette Blæsbjerg Ørom: At lytte til lærken [Listening to the Skylark], art-poetry publication
1999, 1987 Co-editor of the book Tekstilkunst i Danmark [Textile Art in Denmark], Borgen
1994 Listed in Weilbachs kunstnerleksikon [Weilbach’s Danish lexicon of artists]
Ongoing collaboration with ALAI ALAI (, Copenhagen DK
2016 Artist-in-residence, Tækker AIR, Berlin, Germany
2009 Accepted by Book By Its Cover, Brooklyn, New York, USA
1991 Member of the Jury at the Nordic Textile Triennial VI
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